What All Does It Take To Live Upto The Name Of Most Preferred Cargo Courier Company For DTDC
There is immense amount of heart, intent, coordination, team-work and passion involved behind living up to its name of the most preferred courier company in India. The organisation DTDC or Door to Door Courier does this on a daily basis living up to its brand value and working rigorously in ensuring that it meets the targets, which is to ensure that products reach the customer on time. The organisation is flooded with huge volume of orders coming in to be send ahead to the end target recipients. This involves a defined chain of actions through which the whole process goes through. The organisation believes in delivering value by going through all the required steps ensuring that when the products reach the end customer hey are in the best of state. To start with as and when the goods come to the wear house in the tempo they are unloaded and moved to the 'Inbound' area. It is here that the process commences right from when the car enters the warehouse gate with the goods. ...